Tanzania is the location where the Little Einsteins went for their Safari Fun. In Rocket Safari, Rocket blocks the waterfall to let the wildebeests passed, but Rocket is stuck and cold and needs some help as the bumblebee came! In Animal Snack Time, the Little Einsteins came to play the animals, while Big Jet came and dressed as Simba to steal the Animal Snacks!
In Rocket Safari, they made it to Africa and arrived at Tanzania while they race against a cheetah and jumping with the impalas. And soon, they heard wildebeest herds, who need to get across the river and there's too much water as Rocket deploys his look and listen scope and soon Rocket got a plan on stopping the waterfall as he retracts his look and listen scope by blocking the waterfall with his whole body and soon, the wildebeest and the flamingo can cross the water. Unfortunately, when they tried to fly out of the waterfall, they notice that Rocket's stuck at waterfall. So they all head out of Rocket and Leo told Rocket that he can get out of the waterfall as he promise as Annie told that Rocket doesn't like being stuck so much while June told that the water is super cold. Then, Annie got an idea on helping pulling Rocket out of the waterfall by using the biggest, strongest animal as Quincy mentioned. So Leo put out his baton and told everyone that they've got a mission about finding the biggest strongest animal to help pull Rocket out of the waterfall and fast!
Soon they saw a bumblebee who also came to help the whole team as Leo asks the bumblebee. Soon, the bumblebee saw an elephant, but the elephant uses his ears to defend all of the bugs. So they all head to the elephant and Quincy knew that the elephant can't hear the bumblebee because they're humongous, so June got a plan on attracting elephant's attention, by imitating an elephant by moving her arms in from of her and make an elephant noise and soon, the elephant hears it and the bumblebee ask the bumblebee about pulling Rocket out of the waterfall and the elephant says yes. Then, the elephant heads to the Rocket waterfall with June.
Then, they head out to find more animal while buzzing the bumblebee song and soon, bumblebee saw a hippopotamus. but the hippopotamus submerge underwater and they can't hear bumble bee underwater. Then, Quincy got an idea on getting hippopotamus attention by using his trumpet and play flight of the bumblebee fortissimo and prestissimo at the hippopotamus pond and Leo and Annie Help Quincy by playing an air trumpet and soon, the hippopotamus hear Quincy's trumpet and surface and saw Leo, Annie, and Quincy. Then, the bumblebee asks Rocket and the hippopotamus says yes. Then, the hippopotamus follows bumblebee with Quincy.
Then, Leo uses his binoculars to see how Rocket's doing and so June and the elephant are already there as Quincy and hippopotamus have arrived at Rocket waterfall. But Rocket is getting colder as he's still stuck at the waterfall and Annie knew that Rocket's about having a cold.
Soon, Leo and Annie continues to search for more animals while buzzing the bumblebee song. Then, bumblebee saw some giraffes, which is perfect for pulling Rocket out of the waterfall. Soon, Leo uses his binoculars and he saw a lion, who's the king of the jungle that can protect the Circle of Life, and he told Annie that they don't need to get past a lion to get to the giraffe. Then, Leo uses his binoculars and saw some hyenas, who are the greatest scavengers to hunt for food, and he told Annie that they don't need to get past those hyenas either. Then, Leo uses his binoculars and saw a rhinoceros and Leo told that there's a rhinoceros in their way.
Soon, they made it to the rhinoceros field and saw that a rhinoceros is sleeping and Annie told that they need to walk and clap pianissimo to get past the rhinoceros. Then, Leo told that they need to clap even softer, pianissimo and so, they clap and tiptoe to pass a sleeping rhinoceros, and the rhinoceros partial wakes up as Leo and Annie start to freeze, and rhinoceros fell asleep again. Then, they resume clapping and walking pianissimo and soon, they made it pass the rhinoceros and made it out of the rhinoceros field.
Soon, they made to the giraffe field and bumblebee ask a giraffe that a giraffe can help. but it didn't work because giraffe can't hear bumblebee because bumblebee is so tiny that he can only buzz pianissimo. Then, Annie told that they can buzz really loudly, fortissimo, so they buzz flight of the bumblebee fortissimo, but the giraffe didn't hear them, so they buzz flight of the bumblebee loudly and harder! And soon, the bumblebee hear the giraffe and ask the giraffe about helping pulling Rocket out of the waterfall and the giraffe says yes. Then, the bumblebee follows giraffe with Leo and Annie trailing behind it.
Soon, they made it back to Rocket waterfall and tie all of the ropes to Rocket's loop ring in front. Then, Leo told Rocket that the animal can help Rocket pull him out of the waterfall. Then, Leo got out his baton and told everyone that they're ready. First, Leo points his baton June and the elephant first and they pull Rocket out of the waterfall, then, Leo point his baton to Quincy and hippopotamus and they also pull Rocket out of the waterfall, thirdly, Leo points Annie and the giraffe and they also pull Rocket out of the waterfall. Then, Leo pulls Rocket out and soon, they all pull Rocket out of the waterfall as he is almost free from the waterfall. Then, bumblebee flew down and asks Leo to help him pull Rocket out of the waterfall, then, bumblebee flew down the rope and they all pull Rocket harder out of the waterfall! And now, Rocket is free from the waterfall! Rocket is feeling much better and he's out of the water and Rocket is thanking to all of the animals for pulling him out of the water and all of the animals who helped pull Rocket out of the water says you're welcome. Then, bumblebee thanking Rocket for finding all of the biggest strongest animals in Africa and help him pull Rocket out of the water.
The episode Animal Snack Time starts with the Little Einsteins flying to Serengeti National Park in Tanzania to meet with baby animals and land at the Tanzania Grassland and soon, they meet with baby giraffe, baby chimp (if they know him in He Speaks Music!) and the baby elephant and they're all excited to play with Rocket! Soon, Rocket puts out his transformation animal buttons and Leo press the giraffe button and Rocket transforms into a giraffe and stretch the tall neck to the top of the acacia tree. Then, the chimp wants to play with Rocket and Leo presses the chimpanzee button as Rocket transforms into a chimpanzee and climbs the rock with baby chimp. Lastly, baby elephant wants to play with Rocket and Leo presses the elephant button as Rocket transforms into an elephant and slurp up some water from the pond and spray it into the air. Soon, the baby animals' tummies are rumbling because they're hungry after all of playing with Rocket, luckily, Rocket brought animal snack for baby animals. Meanwhile, Big Jet is camouflage as a lion and sneaks up and takes the animal snack basket and taunts "Long live the king!" that made baby animals so sad, and so hungry. Leo told Rocket that they'll get their animal snack basket from big jet. So Leo got out his baton and told that they've got a mission about bringing the animal snack basket back from big jet before he eats them all up, so they all buckle their seatbelts, do the pat sequence, and blast off.
After they blast off, they all sang animal snack time and soon, they heard big jet who is hiding behind the savannah and Rocket landed in front of the acacia tree and big jet hovers over Rocket, drops the cage which traps Rocket, lock the key, and threw it to the top of the acacia tree, and flies away with the animal snack basket! Then, Rocket puts out his transformation animal button and Leo presses the giraffe button and Rocket transform into a giraffe, and stretch his back out of the cage and up to the key at the top of the acacia tree, but the key is so high on the top of the acacia tree, so Annie can sing a song to help Rocket to stretch Rocket's neck up high and soon, Rocket stretches his neck longer and she continues to sing to help Rocket stretch his neck until Rocket got the key on top of the acacia tree, unlock the lock of the cage, open the cage door of the trap, head out of the trap, and blast off.
After trapping and freeing the cage, Annie and the whole team sang Animal snack time once again, and Rocket put out his display screen and shows that baby animal is still hungry as Leo told about the animal snack that Big jet took, soon, they heard him who is flying to Mount Kilimanjaro and sets up the picnic table on top of Mount Kilimanjaro with plate, fork and spoon. So they all head to Mount Kilimanjaro. But Quincy knew that they can't fly up the mountain because flying is too loud so they need to climb up the mountain quietly so they can sneak up on big jet. So Rocket puts out his transformation animal button and Leo presses the chimpanzee button and Rocket climbs Mount Kilimanjaro and Leo told Rocket to climb quietly and Leo told Rocket to climb quieter and quieter as they get closer to the top of Mount Kilimanjaro and soon, they made it to the top of Mount Kilimanjaro and Rocket transforms back to it's normal shape. Then, Rocket uses his grab nabber to try and get animal snack basket from big jet! Soon big jet and Rocket are fighting with the animal snack basket and flew all the way to the Zambezi River in Zambia and big jet flew to get the snack.