Rocket's Paddles are a tool to reverse and avoid the fall of the Niagara Falls and boost the speed to get away the Nile Crocodile from Nile River and catch the first magic puzzle piece.
Object Summary[]
In Our Huge Adventure (The Missing Invitation), Rocket and his team ride the water in Niagara Falls. But when they see the waterfall as a dead end, Leo yells "Reverse paddles!!" so that Rocket can activate his paddles.
And in The Puzzle of the Sphinx, Rocket is going to the Nile River to find the first magic puzzle piece as he transforms into a boat; with paddles this time. But when the Nile Crocodile came for revenge, June has a new plan: Instead of patting on everyone's lap, she has to roll her arms so that Rocket's paddles can boost the speed to catch the first puzzle piece!