Indonesia, officially the Republic of Indonesia is the location where the Little Einsteins went to help Fire Truck Rocket cool down the volcano and rescue the proboscis monkey.
In Fire Truck Rocket, Rocket puts out his display screen to show that to get to the Indonesia volcano, first, they had to go to the Javanese shadow forest, then, they had to get through the Sarawak Chamber, and lastly, they make it all the way to the Indonesia volcano and save the monkey who is still stuck between those two branches and lastly, Rocket shows his display screen that the lava inside the Indonesia volcano is boiling up. Later, Rocket uses his siren to tell them that they're on their way to the Indonesia volcano. Then, Annie sang the saving the monkey song by lifting her one hand over her head and circle her arm while using her microphone to sing about saving the monkey.
At the Javanese shadow forest, the little Einsteins made it to the Javanese shadow forest and landed at the art and June hope that they don't run into a Javanese shadow puppet which is the Javanese Shadow Giant. Then, the gate latched shut and locks it automatically right in front of Rocket. Later, the Javanese shadow puppet had the key so nobody can get out of the Javanese shadow forest. Soon, Leo got a plan on sneaking onto the Javanese shadow puppet by using his rescue ladder by using his rescue ladder. Therefore, Rocket puts his rescue button and Leo presses Rocket's rescue button to reach up to the top of the Javanese shadow puppet and Leo head out to the ladder and Rocket uses his rescue ladder to reached to the top as Leo listen to the ladder's special song. But the ladder plays forte and Leo needs to make the ladder music pianissimo, so Leo selects the fortissimo and the music volume get louder, crescendo, and that didn't work, because the music gets louder and louder. Then, Leo selects the crescendo symbol, but that didn't work either because the music grew even louder, and even more crescendo, so Leo selects the piano symbol and that symbol worked and Leo got the key from the Javanese shadow puppet and Rocket lowered his ladder to unlock the gate and Leo uses the key from the Javanese Shadow Giant to unlock and retract Rocket's ladder before Leo heads back inside Rocket.
Later, Rocket puts out his display screen as Leo mentioned that they still need to go through the Sarawak Chamber and all the way to the Indonesia Volcano as the Indonesia volcano prepare to erupt as it rumble and shake and lava boil some more and the monkey's tail is stuck stuck in those two branches of the tree. Soon, Rocket blasts off and plays his siren song as he flew all the way to the entrance of the Sarawak Chamber.
At the Sarawak Chamber, Rocket landed at the entrance of the Sarawak Chamber and head inside the Sarawak Chamber and saw the inside and Rocket saw the exit of the Sarawak Chamber, but those two rocks tumble down and blocks the exit. Then, Rocket put out his rescue button and Leo press the rescue spreader button and Rocket uses his spreader to push apart those two large rocks. But those two rocks are big and heavy for Rocket to spread apart, so Annie pops out of her seat and head to the front of the Rocket and sings about pushes the rocks apart. Soon, Annie sang as Rocket pushes away those two boulder blocking the way and soon, Rocket starts pushes and spread those two large rocks apart. So Annie continues to sing to help Rocket spread further apart those two large rock and soon, Rocket spreads and pushed those two large rock away and Rocket head out of the Sarawak Chamber and Annie heads back to her seat and re-buckles herself.
Meanwhile, Rocket put his display screen and show that the Indonesia Volcano starts to erupt as the lava way more as it began to spill out of the Indonesia Volcano and the monkey's tail is still stuck between those two branches of the tree. So they all had to fly super fast to get to the Indonesia Volcano before the Indonesia Volcano Erupts.
At the Indonesia volcano, the little einsteins made it to the Indonesia Volcano before the eruption and they saw the monkey who is still stuck between those two branches of the tree. Meanwhile, the Indonesia Volcano began the eruption as the hot lava pours out. So Rocket puts out his rescue buttons and Leo press Rocket's rescue hose and Rocket uses his rescue hose to cool down the lava as more lava continues to spurs out of the Indonesia Volcano and Rocket can't do it by himself. So June got a plan on cooling down the volcano as she heads out of Rocket and do the rescue hose dance. First, June uses her arm to move side to side. Then, June uses her arms to move up and down. Lastly, June uses her arms to move all around in a circle. Afterwards, June does the whole thing together by using her arms to move side to side first, up and down later, and all around in the circle lastly and Rocket uses his rescue hose to do the same thing as June as Rocket spray some icy water to cool down the lava on the Indonesia Volcano. But the lava continues to spread down the Indonesia Volcano as it spread toward the monkey who is still stuck between those two branches of the tree. So June had to do the rescue dance faster and soon, the lava had cool down from the icy water that Rocket spread on with his rescue hose and Rocket head to the Monkey's tree as the rest of the team head out and Rocket uses his rescue spreader to spread apart those two branches to free the monkey's tail and uses his rescue ladder to help the monkey to get down to the ground safe and sound. The monkey thanks to Rocket to rescue them and stop from the Indonesia Volcano from the eruption before the lava spread toward the Monkey's tree. Soon, all of the other animals came back and thanking Rocket for using Rocket's siren to mandate the evacuation that came from the Indonesia volcano.
In order to save the Proboscis Monkey, First: You must enter the Japanese Shadow Forest and help Leo using the rescue ladder and play piano to catch the key from the Japanese Shadow Giant and open the gate to get out of the forest. Second: When entering the Sarawak Chamber, the big rocks fall and block the way out! So you must use the Rescue Spreader and help Annie sing a song to help Rocket spread all rocks as strong as he can. Third: As the lava is almost rising, the Firefighters must fly Super Fast to the Indonesia Volcano and help June do the rescue hose dance by moving the arm side to side first, then up and down, and lastly all around! And finally, you must use the rescue spreader and the rescue ladder to save the Proboscis Monkey and the Firefighters complete their rescue mission!