Little Einsteins Wiki

India, officially the Republic of India is an Asian country where the Little Einsteins went to help Little Elephant find her magic peanuts, so she can grow big and be in the elephant parade, and help Quincy and the flute train chug across the Thar Desert to rescue his friends from the Arabian Sea.

Location Summary[]

In Quincy and the Magic Instruments, Quincy sings his song of rescuing his friends at sea. The Arabian Sea is too far, but the rest of the team are counting on Quincy and he needs a plan to go faster! Luckily, the magic flute has a plan and he needs to help Quincy play it to see its amazing transformation! And the transformation of the magic flute is a big train.

Now, Quincy and the rest of the magic instruments ride the flute train and off they go to the Thar Desert and there are dunes! So Quincy moves his arms to help flute train chug faster and harder to go over the dunes. Now they have made it out of the Thar Desert. But when Quincy uses his binoculars, his friends are still in trouble and the waves got bigger! They must save them quickly! On with the mission! Then, Quincy sings his song of rescuing his friends at sea once again and he and his magic instruments made it to the vine forest.

And when Quincy tries to push the vines, they are heavy. He needs a plan to use something stronger to push the vines out of the way! Luckily, the magic trumpet has a brilliant plan!

So, Quincy is going to play the Swan Lake song of the Magic Trumpet and it transforms into the biggest Trumpet Elephant in the whole world!

Then, the trumpet elephant uses his bell trunk to swing the vine out of the way, and then stomp to the next bigger vine, and the trumpet elephant swing the trunk side and side to clear the vine out of the way and then Quincy and the trumpet elephant stomps to the even bigger vine and the trumpet elephant uses his trunk to push the even bigger vine out of the way and then stomp to the biggest vine ever, and the trumpet elephant swing the biggest vine ever. Soon they made it out of the vine forest and all the way to the Arabian Sea.

Then, Quincy uses his binocular to see the others and check how they are doing and Quincy and their magic instruments need to hurry because the waves in the Arabian Sea are getting higher.

Then, the magic harp got an idea on getting above the Arabian Sea, by Quincy playing swan lake which turns into the hot air balloon, and Quincy board the hot air balloon and up and over the Arabian Sea. but the strong wind from the wind storm pushes the hot air balloon which carries Quincy and their other instruments back. so Quincy play their harp on the hot air balloon to make the hot air balloon go up and over the storm cloud. and then, Quincy plays hot air balloon to make the hot air balloon go down and to their team and soon, Quincy made it to Rocket and their team as the hot air balloon turns back to the magic harp.

The episode Little Elephant's Big Parade starts with Little Einsteins at Jaipur elephant festival in India which contains elephants snacks, decorations, and games and Leo knew that they love elephants. Soon, they heard the claw machine and heads over as Annie knew that her brother could win the prize and he puts in the green token and picks up the yellow egg with the claw of the claw machine and place down the drop hole. Soon, Leo pops out the egg and it reveals a tiny elephants and introduce to the whole team. Annie notices that the egg also contains instructions and shows that it contains three magic peanuts in order to grow from a tiny elephant to a big elephant. Soon, they heard the big elephant preparing for the Jaipur elephant parade by getting face and other body paintings. Leo told that the sign says that there's going to be a special parade at the Jaipur elephant and little elephant wants to be in the parade, but the gate latched shut because the sign says that the elephant has to be at least 10 feet tall and little elephant is below 1 feet tall, because below 1 isn't safe for little elephant. Then, Annie remembered that there's magic peanuts to magic it grow and Leo dumps the magic peanuts from the half egg. Soon, the magic peanuts start to bounces away and the little elephant can't grow big and be in the parade! But little elephant can't surrender herself and helps find all three magic peanuts with the help from the little Einsteins. So Leo got out his baton and tell the whole team that they got the next mission about finding all three magic peanuts and bring it back in time for the Jaipur Elephant Festival. So they all head to Rocket, buckle their seatbelts, do the pat sequence and blast off!!!

After they blast off while they're on their way to snake basket forest, Annie sing that little elephant can grow and join the parade and as Leo mentioned that in order for little elephant join the parade, little elephant must to eat all three magic peanuts. Soon, they heard the first magic peanut which came from the snake basket forest and the first magic peanut bounced all they way to the basket and the snake pops out of the basket and get the first magic peanut as the whole team head out of Rocket. Then, Quincy got an oboe and told little elephant that the snake will come out of the basket and give the peanut called the snake charmer song. Soon, Quincy plays his oboe to play the snake charmer song to call the snake and soon, the snake came out of the basket and give little elephant a peanut. Quincy thanks to snake for giving the magic peanut back from the basket. Then, Leo told little elephant to eat the first magic peanut and little elephant eat the first magic peanut and soon, little elephant starts to grow. But Annie mentioned that in order to be in the Jaipur elephant parade, little elephant must eat all three magic peanuts and little elephant ate the first magic peanut and she needs two more magic peanuts to go. So they all head back to Rocket and blast off.

After they blast off again while they're on their way to the Taj Mahal, Annie sings the elephant parade again as Rocket puts out his display screen and show that the elephant parade starts soon as the big elephants almost got their face and the whole body painted. Soon, they heard the second magic magic peanut which comes from Taj Mahal. So Rocket landed next to the Taj Mahal maze and they all head out of Rocket again and they follow the second magic peanut into the maze. Unfortunately, the Taj Mahal maze goes into different direction. Soon, little elephant plays the magic peanut song with her trunk. First, Leo and little elephant had to listen to the first path. But the first path didn't go down the first path, so they head down the second path and listen, but the second path didn't go down the second path either. So Leo and little elephant heads down to the third path and listen and third path is the magic peanut path. So they all head down the third path and found the second magic peanut and little elephant eat the second magic peanut and grow bigger as Annie told that little elephant already ate two magic peanuts and had to find the last magic peanut. So they all head back to Rocket, but Little Elephant is too big to fit Rocket inside! So the team must push Little Elephant as hard as they can to get inside. And Rocket deploys his display screen and show that the Jaipur elephant festival is about to begin because all of the big parade are lining up and Annie told that little elephant had to eat the last magic peanut then, Rocket uses his display screen to show that the last magic peanut bounces into the Red Fort. June told that they had to hurry to the red fort to get the last peanut before the Jaipur elephant festival begins, so they all had to fly super fast to get to the Red Fort.

Soon, they arrived at the red fort and they all head out of Rocket and the last magic peanut is on the other side of the red fort. But Leo heard the elephant trap which is rolling toward the whole team and Leo told that little elephant must avoid the trap so it doesn't catch little elephant and Quincy knew that she needs to get the last peanut. June got an idea about avoiding the rolling elephant trap by doing the elephant trap dance by stomping with one foot then the other foot then bend the knee and jump over the rolling elephant trap. But then, more elephant traps are rolling toward little elephant so they had to do the elephant trap again by stomping with one foot and then the other foot, then bend the knees and jump over the rolling elephant trap. As more elephant traps roll they did the elephant trap dance again to avoid the rolling elephant, and as more, but faster rolling elephant traps roll toward them they had to do the elephant trap four times and soon, they made it past the rolling elephant trap and soon, they heard the Jaipur elephant festival getting ready for the parade and little elephant got the last magic peanut from the fort then head back to Rocket with the whole team.

Soon, they made it back to the Jaipur elephant festival and the sign said that little elephant is too small, because little elephant is on number 8, because little elephant hadn't eat the last magic peanut and Annie knew that they found all three magic peanut and Leo knew that little elephant forgot to eat the last magic peanut. Soon, little elephant eat the last peanut and little elephant grew for the last time and surpassed number 10 as the gate opens for little elephant to enter the parade. Then, the whole team painted and decorated little elephant with mehndi designs and soon, little elephant now be able to join the parade as the whole team give permission to give a ride on top of little elephant and lead the parade as she enters! Mission Completion!

Episode Appearances[]

Location Features[]


  • TBA

National Anthem[]



LittleEinsteinsLogo Locations
Main Locations Tree EntranceSpiral Pole, Slide, Elevator, and Fire PoleTunnels to the Rocket RoomThe Rocket RoomRocket's GarageRocket InteriorRocket's RunwayThe Curtain Call (Location)The World
Little Einsteins Location Acacia TreeAnnie's RoomBarn Near HoustonBrick HouseBumpy Race TrackButterfly MailboxBuyanCandy Cane FieldCarnival ParadeCaterpillar Wheat FieldChinese Animal FieldClaw Machine with EggsCrab TrapCrossing GateCuckoo ClockCurtain Call (location)Dessert FactoryDrawbridgeElephant FieldElephant TrapsFence near Lake HuronField of CowsField with Musical GrassField with OstrichField with Toy TrainForte Giant's BedroomForte Giant's CastleForte Giant's HallwayForte Giant's KitchenForte Giant's TowerGingerbread HouseGiraffe FieldGood Knight's Booby Trap RoomGood Knight's CastleGood Knight's Drawbridge EntranceGood Knight's TowerGrandma Rocket's HouseHaystack FieldHot Air BalloonHot Sand TrailHourglassIce FloeInvitation TreeItalian ZooJaipur Elephant FestivalJoey's TreeJune's HouseJune's RoomKatschai's CastleKoala TreeLittle Mouse's StageLeo and Annie's HouseLeo's RoomLittle Red DoorLoch Ness Monster's LakeLoop the Loop SkyMama Duck's NestMama Pterodactyl's NestMedieval Camp of the Derby RaceMedieval CastleMelody's Pet PartyMouse King's CastleMouse King’s Jail CellMulti-path Musical RoadMusic Note TrailMusical RoadMusical Road GateThe Musical Roller CoasterMusical Roller Coaster SignsMusical Tree of Many ColorsNavajo MazeNestNetherlands BeachNetherlands ShoreNetherlands WindmillOld Log BridgeOrchestra OceanPasta RestaurantPet Train StationPirate Treasure IslandPlaygroundPolish GrasslandThe Popcorn MachinePrehistoric LandPrincess Bassoon's CastlePunto TomboPuppet StageQuincy's HouseQuincy's RoomRain CloudRhinoceros FieldRhythm GateSandboxSerengeti National ParkSilly Clothes CircusSky with Music NotesStatue of the UnicornStick HouseStormy BeachStraw HouseSuper BubblesSunflower FieldSunset Mountain and TreesTanzania GrasslandThe BridgeThe Musical Gas StationThe Gate of Hidden InstrumentsThe Golden PyramidThe Great Sky RaceThe Great Sky Race HangarThe Great SphinxThe Monaco Grand PrixThe Northern LightsThe Pet TrainThe PreschoolThe Unfinished BridgeThree Little Piggies' BarnTotem Pole ForestToy Prince Ballet StageTrack SwitchTrain JunctionVillage of Dancing ShapesWind CircleWind GustWind StormWizard's WorkshopWooden BridgeYellow Leaved Tree
Art Location Tree of LifeThe Peaceable KingdomTiger in a Tropical StormThe Shore at Bas Butin, HonfleurTahitian LandscapeThe Great Wave off KanagawaThe Merry JestersChinese PaintingsNavajo BasketThe Olive Trees with Yellow Sky and SunSeptember: Harvesting GrapesExpectationAncient Greek and Roman MosaicsChessboard with Flower BoarderThe Starry NightWatercolor Paintings of VeniceVenice Painting BridgeAustralian Aboriginal ArtsRoad from Saint-Simeon Farm in WinterMountains and RiversSunflowersOn the River GretaSt. Jerome by the Pollard WillowWoodcut of RhinocerosPool in the WoodsThe ScreamWheat Field with CypressesNavajo MazeThe WaveFish PaintingsKuna MolasWater LiliesLeonardo da Vinci's DrawingsChinese Paper ArtsLanglois BridgeUntitled 1988The VinesWhirlpool and Waves at Naruto Awa ProvinceVariegated BlackMoonriseLandscape near MurnauAncient Egyptian Architectures and SculpturesCircles in CircleBedroom in ArlesArboretum by FlashbulbA Report from RockportVesuviusHaystacks at the End of Summer, Morning EffectGlance of a LandscapeThe Lady with the Unicorn and Other Medieval TapestriesAncient Roman MosaicsTrain PaintingsMayan ArchitecturesJavanese Shadow ForestImprovisation
Famous Buildings Alte BruckeAmazon TheatreArc de TriompheBran CastleBuckingham PalaceCasa de GuardaCathedral of the AnnunciationCoit TowerChâteau de ChambordColosseumEdinburgh CastleEgyptian ObeliskForbidden CityGate of Divine ProwessGolden Gate BridgeHagia SophiaHimeji CastleKennedy CenterKronborg CastleLincoln CenterLouvre MuseumMusical Toll GateNeuschwanstein CastlePalace of VersaillesParis MetroPetronas Twin TowersRed FortSchönbrunn PalaceSchönbrunn Palace Ball RoomSpace NeedleSt. Basil's CathedralSt. Louis ArchSydney Opera HouseTaj MahalThe Violin EntranceThe Eiffel TowerThe Grady Gammage Memorial AuditoriumThe Laurentian LibraryThe Leaning Tower of PisaThe Statue of LibertyThe United NationsTahoto PagodaTokyo Big SightTorii GateVersailles Hall of MirrorsWinter Palace
Canyons and Stone Landmarks Aswan High DamAustralian Trees and RocksCanyonlands National ParkCataract CanyonEl CastilloMons KlintMount RushmoreMachu PicchuPancake RocksParthenonStatue of Pharaoh Ramesses IIStonehengeTemple of Ramesses IIIThe Grand CanyonThe Great PyramidThe Great Wall of ChinaVerdon Gorge
Caves and Tunnels Arctic TunnelAustralian TunnelCueva de los CristalesDinosaurs CaveDragon's CaveIca Stone TunnelIce CaveIce TunnelMaui CaveMoinhos Velhos CaveMusical TunnelNavajo TunnelOklahoma CaveNewspaper RockSarawak ChamberThe Underwater TunnelUndersea TunnelUtah Cave
Water Location Amazon RiverArabian SeaAtlantic OceanBeach Near Orchestra OceanComoe WaterfallCrescendo WaveDanube RiverGeyser FieldFloating Gardens of XochimilcoHippopotamus LakeIcky and Spooky BogHermit Crab BeachKiholo BayKomoe RiverLake BaikalLake DurankulakLake HuronLilly Pad PondNiagara FallsNiagara RiverNile RiverOpen OceanOzark WetlandPacific OceanPirate IslandPonte di RialtoRhine RiverRocket WaterfallSan Francisco PierSand Bar BuoySeashore BeachSchool of Puffer FishStormy SeaSunken ShipThe Great Barrier ReefThe OceanTrumpet WaveUnderwater Danube RiverUnderwater IcebergUnderwater PathsWavy Ocean with WhirlpoolWhale DockYangtze RiverYellowstone National ParkYellow Angel Fish's Coral ReefZambezi River
Desert Sahara DesertThar Desert
Forest Amazon ForestBialowieza ForestBig Woods of ArkansasBlack ForestComoe National ForestCuckoo Clock ForestDark and Spooky ForestDragonflies ForestEnchanted ForestForest in RussiaForest in SwitzerlandForest Near GermanyForest Near LaplandForest with Tall MountainsInstrument ForestMaori Sculpture ForestMaui RainforestNocturnal Animal ForestPeaceable ForestRattlesnake ForestRedwood ForestRiver ForestRock ForestSap Tree ForestSnake Basket ForestSnapping Flower ForestSnapping Traps ForestSpooky ForestSpooky Snowy ForestStone Guards ForestSwinging Branch ForestTiger JungleToadstool ForestTropical RainforestVine Forest
Mountains and Volcanoes Austrian AlpsAltai MountainsAndes MountainsBald Eagle MountainBoulder MountainFrench AlpsIndonesia VolcanoK2MatterhornMauna Loa VolcanoMount CookMount EverestMount FujiMount KilimanjaroMount McKinleyMount BromoMount Saint HelensMountain near LaplandNetherlands MountainOlympus MonsOzark MountainsPolar Bear MountainPonta do PicoPrehistoric VolcanoSlippery SnowflakesSnow Bumps MountainStarry MountainSwitzerland GondolaTop of Mount EverestToy Soldier MountainUluruUral Mountains
Garden June's GardenThe GardenMorning GardenLittle Red Door Treasure Map GardenBaby Bugs' GardenEnchanted GardenGood Knight's GardenInternational Butterfly GardenSpider Web GardenStone Zen Garden
Cities AgraAlsaceAtlantaBarcelonaBavariaChambordChamps-ÉlyséesChichén ItzáCremonaDelhiEdinburghFlorenceHoustonHuairouIstanbulLondonMoscowNew York CityParisPetraPragueRio de JaneiroRomeSan FranciscoSan Francisco TrafficSeattleSiberiaSydneyTempeTokyoTransylvaniaVeniceVersaillesViennaWashington, D.C.
USA States, Nation, Islands, Regions, and Continents AfricaAsiaEuropeGalapagos IslandNorth AmericaOceaniaScandinaviaSouth AmericaAntarcticaArcticArgentinaAustriaAustraliaBrazilBulgariaCanadaChinaCzech RepublicDenmarkEgyptFinlandFranceGermanyGreeceIcelandIndiaIndonesiaIrelandItalyIvory CoastJapanJordanKazakhstanKenyaMalaysiaMexicoMonacoMongoliaNepalNetherlands (Holland)New ZealandNorwayPakistanPeruPolandPortugalRomaniaRussiaSaint LuciaScotlandSpainSwedenSwitzerlandTanzaniaTrinidad and TobagoTurkeyUkraineUnited KingdomUnited States of AmericaZambiaAlaskaArizonaArkansasCaliforniaGeorgiaHawaiiMissouriNew York StateOklahomaSouth DakotaTexasUtahWashington StateWyomingPatagonia Region
Outer Space Locations Outer SpaceThe Solar SystemThe SunMercuryVenusEarthThe MoonMarsAsteroidsJupiterSaturnUranusNeptunePlutoMeteor FieldSpace GooStar Filled ShortcutCrab NebulaDust StormPlanet RobotSwirling and Rolling Wind
Carnival Locations The CarnivalRoller CoasterFun HousePetting ZooThe Popcorn MachineMerry Go Round