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Hello Cello is the ninth episode of Season 2 and the thirty-seventh episode overall of the series Little Einsteins

However, in production order, it's the tenth episode of Season 2 and the thirty-eighth episode overall.


The team is in Cremona, Italy, seeing mommy cello with her baby cellos' case, until one of them gets washed away in the river. When the last baby cello is hatched up, he gets close to Quincy because he thinks Quincy is his mother. It is up to the team to bring baby cello back to his mother before she gets worried.


In order to help Baby Cello reunite with his family, First, when entering the Italian Zoo, the other door is locked up while the heroes see the key that the Giraffe has it! So you've got to help Leo conduct crescendo to make the musical ladder grow bigger, louder and harder and get the key to unlock the door! Second, when entering the Pasta Restaurant, the team has to escape the broken machine! Unfortunately, Rocket is all covered and tangled in spaghetti! So you've got to help June pull the spaghetti legato to untangle Rocket. Third: When entering the art of Langlois Bridge, the drawbridge goes open and Baby Cello landed on a boat! So you've got to help Quincy play Sforzando to let the boat send Baby Cello back to the team. And Fourth: You are ready to fly Super Fast to the Italian Area of Cremona and Baby Cello is finally reunited with his family!


The episode starts with the Little Einsteins at Cremona, Italy as Quincy plays his trumpet to see mommy cello who's having five new baby cellos inside the cases. Cellos have tall necks, strings and a wooden bridge. Soon, baby cellos is about to coming out of the case as they hatch and all of the baby cellos came out except the red baby cello case, and all but the red baby cello case give mommy cellos some kisses. Quincy knew that one of the baby cello case which is the red one didn't hatch because the red baby cello case isn't ready to hatch yet. Unfortunately, the water from Po River washes away the red baby cello case and the red baby cello case floats down the river away from mommy cello. Quincy knew that the whole team can get red baby cello case out of Po River and bring it back to their mommy cello. So Leo got out his baton and told the whole team that they've got a mission about getting the red baby cello case out of Po River and bring it back to his mommy. So they all head inside Rocket, buckle their seatbelts, do the pat sequence and blast off!!!

Soon, Quincy heard red baby cello case as the red baby cello case continues to float down the Po River. Then, Rocket uses his grab nabber to get the red baby cello case from Po River and handed gently down onto grassland. Soon, they heard that the red baby cello case is about to come out of the case and it reveal a baby cello who's hatch late. Quincy knew that baby cello can't find their mommy as Quincy introduce to baby cello and baby cello replied to Quincy if he's his mommy Quincy knew that he's not his mommy because, Quincy is a member of the Little Einsteins and baby cello's mommy is a cello because she has a long neck. Soon, baby cello is off to the Italian zoo and find something that has long neck, because baby cello is going to look for his mommy. Then, the whole team follow baby cello all the way to the Italian zoo.

Soon, they made to the intersection in front of the Italian zoo and baby cello is trying to call to his mommy as Annie sang with her microphone to help baby cello to call to his mommy. Soon, they heard mommy cello which coming from the Italian zoo. So they all head to the Italian zoo and check on his mommy at the zoo because she had a long neck, but it's turns out to be a giraffe and a giraffe is not mommy cello. Quincy knew that a giraffe has a long neck, but it's not his mommy and Quincy knew that they'll help baby cello find his mommy. Soon, baby cello heads out of the Italian zoo, but the metal gate closes and latches shut and they're trapped inside the Italian zoo! Leo knew that they need to find a key to open the gate to get through the Italian zoo. Soon, they saw the key on the neck of the giraffe. But the giraffe is so tall and soon, they saw a ladder and when baby cello got on the ladder and tries to climb up the ladder, they notice that the ladder is too short and baby cello can't reach the key. Soon, they heard that this ladder is a musical ladder and if Leo conducts the musical ladder crescendo, that will get to the ladder tall enough to reach the giraffe, get the key, unlock the gate of the Italian zoo, and open the gate. Then, Leo got out his baton and puts his hands down low and slowly reaches his hand up high to make the musical ladder to grow long and tall and soon, the musical ladder grew half way through, so Leo continues conducting the musical ladder louder by putting his hands down and slowly raise up again high above his head, and soon, the ladder reaches all the way to giraffe's neck where the key is and baby cello got the key from the giraffe, retract the musical ladder, head over to the gate, unlock and open it and made it out of the Italian zoo. Afterwards, Annie help baby cello to call to mommy cello by singing again. Soon, they heard baby cello again as they're getting closer as Quincy mentioned and Quincy knew that mommy cello has a long neck, and strings.

Soon, they head over to the pasta restaurants and baby cello head inside the pasta restaurant because baby cello think that he found his mommy as the whole team follows baby cello inside the pasta restaurant. Then, Quincy realized that baby cello thinks that mommy cello has a long strings and the long strings are spaghetti. Leo knew that baby cello thinks mommy cello is a spaghetti, because of the long strings, but it turns out that a spaghetti is a pasta food. Quincy told baby cello to head out of the pasta restaurant as the spaghetti machine continues to make some spaghetti which causes the spaghetti machine to go berserk and made it out of the pasta restaurant just in time. Then, they notice that Rocket is tangled up in all of the spaghetti noodles, so baby cello pulls the spaghetti strings and handed on to the whole team as Quincy mentioned on this idea and June and the whole team had to pull the spaghetti strings nice and gently as the spaghetti doesn't break, so they pull with one hand and other hand nice and smoothly, legato and soon, Rocket is free from the spaghetti and Annie sang again to help baby cello to call to his mommy. Soon, they heard mommy cello as they're getting closer. Quincy mentioned at mommy cello has long neck, strings and wooden bridge.

Then, baby cello heads over to the Langlois bridge as the whole team follow baby cello and soon, they made it to the Langlois Bridge and Annie knew that baby cello thinks that Langlois Bridge is a wooden bridge, but it turns out that the Langlois Bridge is a wooden plank drawbridge. Soon, a tugboat approach the Langlois Bridge and the drawbridge of the Langlois Bridge raises up to let the tugboat go by and baby cello fell onto the tugboat which carries baby cello out to sea and the whole team waves to the tugboat and tell the tugboat to stop and turn around, but it's no use. Then, Quincy got an idea about calling the tugboat and bringing back baby cello by playing his violin Sforzando. Then, Quincy plays his violin sforzando and soon, the tugboat heard Quincy's violin from playing sforzando and turns around to drop off baby cello at the Langlois Bridge where the Little Einsteins is standing. Then, Baby cello heads out of the tugboat and made it back to the Little Einsteins. Annie knew that baby cello can find his mommy. Then, Rocket heard the instrument member from the piazza as Leo look through his binocular to show that the music is ready to start while they're trying to look for baby cello. Quincy knew that baby cello's mommy must be at the piazza and Quincy knew that mommy cello is also a musical instrument with long neck, strings, and a wooden bridge. Quincy told baby cello that Rocket can take him back to Cremona Piazza super fast. So they all head back to Rocket, deploy his back up booster and fly super fast.

Soon, they made it back at Cremona, Italy and shows that they're lots of instruments. Soon, mommy cello came and give a special kiss and hug as the other baby cellos watched. Quincy wants to thank to his whole team for bringing baby cello back to his mommy and baby cello give a kiss to Quincy. Mission completion!


Super Fast Sequence[]

  • When the band play together as a message to find Mommy cello's son, the Little Einsteins are going to fly Super Fast to the Italian area!

That's So Silly Sequence[]


  • Art: Langlois Bridge with Woman Washing by Vincent van Gogh


Music Put Together[]

  • Symphony Number 8 In B Minor D. 759 Unfinished by Franz Schubert

Music Breakdown[]

  • Symphony Number 8 In B Minor D. 759 Unfinished: First Movement: Allegro Moderato by Franz Schubert



Running Gag[]

  • TBA

Who is in the center of the episode?[]


  • TBA


  • TBA


  • This is the first episode to use Schubert music.


  • While the team are figuring out how they'll get baby cello back to his mommy, June still has a smile on her face.
  • When the team are giving a thumbs up saying "Super fast!" Rocket's dome is 3D instead of 2D just like in He Speaks Music! and Melody the Music Pet.

DVD Inclusion[]


v - e - d
Season 1: "Ring Around the Planet" • "I Love to Conduct" • "Hungarian Hiccups" • "Whale Tale" • "Pirate's Treasure" • "The Birthday Balloons" • "The Legend of the Golden Pyramid" • "Dragon Kite" • "Go West, Young Train" • "Farmer Annie" • "A Little Einsteins Halloween" • "Annie's Solo Mission" • "The Mouse and the Moon" • "The Good Knight and the Bad Knight" • "The Christmas Wish" • "How We Became the Little Einsteins: The True Story" • "Jump for Joey" • "The Northern Night Light" • "O Yes, O Yes, It's Springtime!" • "A Tall Totem Tale" • "The Incredible Shrinking Adventure" • "Duck, Duck, June" • "Rocket Safari" • "Knock on Wood" • "A Galactic Goodnight" • "The Birthday Machine" • "A Brand New Outfit" • "The Missing Invitation"

Season 2: "Quincy and the Magic Instruments" • "Brothers and Sisters to the Rescue" • "The Glass Slipper Ball" • "Annie's Love Song" • "Melody, the Music Pet" • "The Puppet Princess" • "Super Fast!!" • "He Speaks Music!" • "Hello, Cello" • "Annie and the Little Toy Plane" • "Carmine's Big Race" • "The Great Sky Race Rematch" • "Sleeping Bassoon" • "Rocket Soup" • "The Blue-Footed Booby Bird Ballet" • "Little Red Rockethood" • "The Puzzle of the Sphinx" • "The Wild Goose Chase" • "Annie and the Beanstalk" • "The Wind-Up Toy Prince" • "Mr. Penguin's Ice Cream Adventure" • "Annie, Get Your Microphone" • "The Treasure Behind the Little Red Door" • "The Secret Mystery Prize" • "Animal Snack Time" • "The Great Schubert's Guessing Game" • "Quincy and the Instrument Dinosaurs" • "Build It, Rocket!" • "Melody and Me" • "Music Monsters" • "The Song of the Unicorn" • "Flight of the Instrument Fairies" • "Silly Sock Saves the Circus" • "Go Team!" • "The Music Robot from Outer Space" • "Show and Tell" • "Fire Truck Rocket" • "Rocket the Bug" • "Little Elephant's Big Parade"

Our Big Huge AdventureRocket's Firebird Rescue