Egypt, officially the Arabic Republic of Egypt, is a country in Africa and Asia that the Little Einsteins went.
Location summary[]
In Hungarian Hiccups, the Little Einsteins head towards The Great Pyramids in Egypt, While Rocket flew through the The Great Pyramid, Rocket flew past the blue historic helicopter.
In The Legend of the Golden Pyramid, the Little Einsteins arrived at east Sahara desert in Egypt, they saw some camels and soon, they arrived at Egyptian Obelisk and Rocket lands to take a closer look and once they head out of Rocket, they notice that the Egyptian obelisk is covered with hieroglyphics which are ancient pictures that tells Egyptian stories for their gods like Mut, Nut, Khnum, Ptah, Sobek, Selket, Anubis, Wadjet, Sokar, Ra, Horus, Sekhmet, Bastet and more. Then, Leo uses his magnifying glass to tell everyone the story about the golden pyramid. Then, the golden pyramid opens the door and all of the music came out of it and all of the hieroglyphic pictures love the music, excluding the Pharaoh who kicks the door of the golden pyramid to close it and locks it up to prevent the music from escaping the golden pyramid. Quincy mentioned that the Pharaoh forgot about the golden harp to hide it so that no one can use it which play that magically opens everything by playing Hungarian dance number 5. Then, Quincy knew that if they found the golden harp, then they could use it to open anything including the golden pyramid. Soon, Annie heard the golden pyramid as Leo mentioned while the door open to reveal the golden harp. Then, Quincy retrieves the golden harp and strums it. Now Leo puts out his baton and told everyone that they've got a mission about opening the golden pyramid by using the magic harp to let the music out and show the Pharaoh that he's wrong about locking the music! So they all head back to Rocket, rebuckle their seatbelts, redo the pat sequence and blast off.
While they're on their way to the golden pyramid, Annie sings the golden pyramid song, and soon, they saw the statues of the wolf and show that they had to go down the Nile river to get to the golden pyramid, so Rocket lands and they all head out Rocket as Annie told that the hands pointing to the water to get to the golden pyramid, then, they all head to the Nile river and show that the Nile river can take them to the golden pyramid, so they all head back to Rocket then Rocket roll to the Nile river and transform into a boat.
Once they made it onto the Nile river, Annie ask Quincy about the golden pyramid and he said that they're not at the golden pyramid yet soon, they saw a Nile crocodile who is chasing the little Einsteins, so they all had to pat to the beat to get away from the Nile crocodile, but the Nile crocodile is still gaining speed, so they continue to pick up their speed, but they're not faster than the Nile crocodile, so they pat harder to boost Rocket boat speed and soon, they got away from the Nile crocodile.
Soon, they arrived at the statues of the pharaoh Ramses II, but the statue doors are closed and blocking the river and the Nile crocodile is still catching up to the little Einsteins. Then, Leo remembered that the golden harp can open the door and Quincy gets the golden harp and play the open up song while Annie sings the song. Then, Quincy strums the golden harp and the statues of the pharaoh Ramses II open the doors and Rocket boat sails through the statues of the pharaoh Ramses II. Then, the Nile crocodile keeps up the little Einsteins, but the the statues of the pharaoh Ramses II close the door which stops the Nile crocodile from chasing the little Einsteins. Once they're on the other side of the statues of the pharaoh Ramses II, the statue of the bird with more hieroglyphic signs shows that they had to go pass by the great sphinx to get to the golden pyramid as Rocket transforms back to it's normal shape and they all head out of Rocket again.
Then, Leo told that the hand points to the great sphinx as Quincy mentioned because the great sphinx is a statue with the head of the person and the body of the lion. Then, Leo continues to read and told that after the great sphinx, they arrive at the golden pyramid. Then, Annie told that the great sphinx is next to the bird statue. Then, they all head towards the beat sphinx as June told that some one asks the sphinx which way to go and Quincy told that he can do it, because he has the golden harp and it means that only the one who's worthy of using it can help the Mighty Sphinx. So Quincy heads over to the great sphinx and asks him to find the way to the golden pyramid, so the music can get out. Then, the great sphinx reveals three Egyptian doors and Quincy plays the open up song and strums the golden harp and all three Egyptian doors open up. Then, Quincy realized that the Egyptian doors are a puzzle and one of the doors has the right music that leads to the golden pyramid. First, Quincy listens to the first Egyptian door, but the first Egyptian door isn't the golden pyramid song, because the snake lives in there and the first Egyptian door latch shut. Then, Quincy listens to the second Egyptian door and it isn't the golden pyramid song either, because the scorpion lives in the second Egyptian door and the second Egyptian door latch shut. Finally, Quincy listens to the third Egyptian door and it did sound the golden pyramid song and Leo, Annie, and June follow Quincy through the third Egyptian door and soon, they saw to the golden pyramid.
Finally, they arrived at the golden pyramid and Quincy plays the open up song on his golden harp while Annie and June sing the open up song and Leo conducts, but the door didn't open. So Annie and June continue to sing louder, but the door is still closed. And when they sing really louder while Quincy continues to play really louder the open up song, and soon the golden pyramid is finally open! But the music isn't coming out yet. Quincy told everyone to go inside the golden pyramid, but it's getting dark. So Annie told everyone to come inside on the count of three and they all head inside the golden pyramid. Once inside, Leo puts out his baton as a flashlight and Quincy strums the golden harp and all of the hieroglyphics light up and start to dance as Quincy plays the golden pyramid song! The episode ends with the Little Einsteins dancing and all of the music came out of the golden pyramid and they all start to dance by the golden pyramid song! The Pharaoh would have been very proud of them and confesses that he was wrong about locking the golden pyramid.
The episode Puzzle of the Sphinx begins that the Little Einsteins are blasting off to Egypt once again, where the Pharaoh has invited them on another Egyptian adventure after completing the previous mission of using the golden harp to free the music from the golden pyramid. While introducing the team, Rocket is making a puzzle of the train. Rocket sure loves puzzles. And it sure is hot in the Egyptian desert. Then, Rocket has arrived at the great sphinx and the team greet to the great sphinx. Soon, the sphinx opens the door and reveals a puzzle box that contains three puzzle pieces that the Pharaoh delivered to him to take great care of it. But for opening it, the puzzles bounce all over Egypt which makes the great sphinx sad and Rocket tries to make him feel better! Annie told that Rocket can find all three puzzle pieces, then they can put all three puzzle pieces together. Then, the sphinx smiles. Also in the puzzle box, it contains the hourglass that can tell how long the Little Einsteins will find all three puzzle pieces before all of the sand fell down to the bottom of the hourglass; otherwise, the puzzle won't do the magic! Quincy knew that Rocket tells the great sphinx that he can find all three puzzle pieces before all of the sand falls to the bottom of the hourglass, So Leo got out his baton and told everyone that they've got a mission about finding all three puzzle pieces before all of the sand falls down to the bottom of the sandglass, so they all head inside Rocket, buckle their seat belts, do the pat sequence and BLAST OFF!!! The Pharaoh and the Sphinx wish the team a good luck of solving the puzzle.
After they blast off, Annie sing about finding every puzzle piece for the great sphinx and soon, Rocket arrived at the Nile River and heard the first puzzle piece which came down the Nile River, So Rocket land on the Nile River and transforms into boat with paddles this time. Soon, they heard the first puzzle piece, which is located at the Aswan High Dam and they also heard a Nile Crocodile who's chasing the Little Einsteins down the Nile River again for revenge! So instead of patting on the lap, June uses her arms to roll around and help Rocket's paddles to paddle faster and the Nile Crocodile goes faster so June has to roll her arms even faster which makes Rocket's paddle to spin faster and as the Nile Crocodile still tries to catch up with Rocket June rolls her arm as fast as she can which makes Rocket's paddles to spins faster and soon, Rocket got the first puzzle piece with his grab nabber as Rocket transforms back to it's normal shape while the Nile Crocodile get his snout stuck between Aswan High Dam!
Rocket heads back to the sphinx and put the first puzzle piece and soon, part of the snowflake picture shows up and soon, the Little Einsteins had to find two more pieces while the hourglass time is almost up so they're off to find the second piece of the puzzle.
Afterward, Annie sang about finding every puzzle piece once again and soon, they heard the second piece of the puzzle piece which came from the temple of Ramses III so Rocket land outside of the temple of Ramses III and they all head out of Rocket and inside the temple of Ramses III. Soon, they arrived at the music sign and Quincy told that the puzzle piece song contains fourteen notes, so at the first path, it contains six notes but the puzzle piece song isn't the first path so Quincy listens down the second path that contains fourteen notes and the second path is the puzzle piece song, so they all head down the fourteen notes path and saw the second puzzle piece which is on the statue head and Rocket retrieve it with his grab nabber. Leo told everyone to bring the second puzzle piece back to sphinx, so they all head back to Rocket and blast off as Annie sang about finding every puzzle piece once again.
Once they're back, Rocket told the great sphinx that he found the second puzzle piece and place on the puzzle piece and more picture of the snowflake shows up. But the time is almost up, because most of the sand is at the bottom of the hourglass and they still had to find the last puzzle piece. So Rocket left the great sphinx.
Soon, they heard the last puzzle piece which came from the Egyptian tree and bounce toward the three great pyramids, so Rocket puts out his pogo bouncer as Annie sings Aida and Rocket bounces over the first pyramid. Soon, they approach the second bigger pyramid so Annie sings Aida louder and longer which made Rocket bounce higher over the second pyramid! And soon, Rocket bounces towards the third biggest pyramid so Annie sings Aida as loud as she can and as long as she can! And soon, Rocket got the last piece of the puzzle! Then, Rocket put out his display screen and shows that the great sphinx warns the whole team to hurry back, because the time of the hourglass is almost expired and they're so far away or else, the puzzle won't do the magic! So they all had to fly super fast back to the great sphinx.
And finally, they made it back to the great sphinx and places the last puzzle piece together just as the time on the hourglass expires and soon, the picture of the snowflake reveals which make Egypt snowing to help the sphinx cool down. The Pharaoh is now very prouder to the team once more.
Information of getting to the Golden Pyramid[]
To open the music from the Golden Pyramid, First: You must go to the Obelisk and find the Golden Harp to begin the mission! Second: You must go to the Nile River and help the team to pat harder in order to make Rocket go faster by avoiding the Nile Crocodile and use the Golden Harp to open the statues of Ramesses II to let them pass. Third: You must meet the Great Sphinx to find which doors leads to the Golden Pyramid as the others have the snake and the scorpion. And fourth: You'll reach to the Golden Pyramid and help the team sing louder to open it and let the Hieroglyphics dance with them!
Information of finding the puzzle pieces of the Sphinx[]
To find the missing puzzle pieces, First: You must go to the Nile River once again as Rocket turns into a boat, but with paddles this time, while the Nile Crocodile came to chase Rocket for his revenge! And this time, instead of patting on your lap, you've got to help June do a Rolling Arm Dance to let Rocket paddle faster and get the first puzzle piece from the Aswan High Dam! Second: You must enter the Temple of Ramesses III where the second puzzle piece is hiding! In order to find it, find a path that has 14 notes as you finally catch it! Third: You must enter The 3 Great Pyramids of finding the last puzzle piece! Fortunately, Leo presses the button that Rocket uses his pogo bouncer to hop! And when the puzzle jumps longer over the great pyramids from big to biggest, Annie has a plan of a jumping song called "Aida"! This plan is when Annie uses her microphone while she puts her left hand up, start singing. And when Annie puts her hand down, she'll stop singing. Now, Rocket captures the last puzzle piece. And Fourth: When the time of the hourglass runs out, you have to fly Super Fast to the Great Sphinx and put the last puzzle piece back where it belongs! And now, all the desert of Egypt is starting to snow for cooling down.
Episode Appearances[]
- Hungarian Hiccups
- The Legend of the Golden Pyramid
- The Great Sky Race Rematch
- The Puzzle of the Sphinx
Location Features[]
- Sahara Desert
- Western Sahara
- Egyptian Obelisk
- Nile River
- Aswan High Dam
- Statue of Pharaoh Ramesses II
- The Golden Pyramid
- Temple of Ramesses III
- The Great Pyramid
National Anthem[]